Programming with Xerces-C:
2010. 7. 15. 18:15
XML file: sample.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <root> <ApplicationSettings option_a = "10" option_b = "24" > </ApplicationSettings> <OtherStuff option_x = "500" > </OtherStuff> </root>
Include file: parser.hpp
#ifndef XML_PARSER_HPP #define XML_PARSER_HPP /** * @file * Class "GetConfig" provides the functions to read the XML data. * @version 1.0 */ #include <xercesc/dom/DOM.hpp> #include <xercesc/dom/DOMDocument.hpp> #include <xercesc/dom/DOMDocumentType.hpp> #include <xercesc/dom/DOMElement.hpp> #include <xercesc/dom/DOMImplementation.hpp> #include <xercesc/dom/DOMImplementationLS.hpp> #include <xercesc/dom/DOMNodeIterator.hpp> #include <xercesc/dom/DOMNodeList.hpp> #include <xercesc/dom/DOMText.hpp> #include <xercesc/parsers/XercesDOMParser.hpp> #include <xercesc/util/XMLUni.hpp> #include <string> #include <stdexcept> // Error codes enum { ERROR_ARGS = 1, ERROR_XERCES_INIT, ERROR_PARSE, ERROR_EMPTY_DOCUMENT }; class GetConfig { public: GetConfig(); ~GetConfig(); void readConfigFile(std::string&) throw(std::runtime_error); char *getOptionA() { return m_OptionA; }; char *getOptionB() { return m_OptionB; }; private: xercesc::XercesDOMParser *m_ConfigFileParser; char* m_OptionA; char* m_OptionB; // Internal class use only. Hold Xerces data in UTF-16 SMLCh type. XMLCh* TAG_root; XMLCh* TAG_ApplicationSettings; XMLCh* ATTR_OptionA; XMLCh* ATTR_OptionB; }; #endif
C++ Program file: parser.cpp
#include <string> #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <stdexcept> #include <list> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include "parser.hpp" using namespace xercesc; using namespace std; /** * Constructor initializes xerces-C libraries. * The XML tags and attributes which we seek are defined. * The xerces-C DOM parser infrastructure is initialized. */ GetConfig::GetConfig() { try { XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize(); // Initialize Xerces infrastructure } catch( XMLException& e ) { char* message = XMLString::transcode( e.getMessage() ); cerr << "XML toolkit initialization error: " << message << endl; XMLString::release( &message ); // throw exception here to return ERROR_XERCES_INIT } // Tags and attributes used in XML file. // Can't call transcode till after Xerces Initialize() TAG_root = XMLString::transcode("root"); TAG_ApplicationSettings = XMLString::transcode("ApplicationSettings"); ATTR_OptionA = XMLString::transcode("option_a"); ATTR_OptionB = XMLString::transcode("option_b"); m_ConfigFileParser = new XercesDOMParser; } /** * Class destructor frees memory used to hold the XML tag and * attribute definitions. It als terminates use of the xerces-C * framework. */ GetConfig::~GetConfig() { // Free memory delete m_ConfigFileParser; if(m_OptionA) XMLString::release( &m_OptionA ); if(m_OptionB) XMLString::release( &m_OptionB ); try { XMLString::release( &TAG_root ); XMLString::release( &TAG_ApplicationSettings ); XMLString::release( &ATTR_OptionA ); XMLString::release( &ATTR_OptionB ); } catch( ... ) { cerr << "Unknown exception encountered in TagNamesdtor" << endl; } // Terminate Xerces try { XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate(); // Terminate after release of memory } catch( xercesc::XMLException& e ) { char* message = xercesc::XMLString::transcode( e.getMessage() ); cerr << "XML ttolkit teardown error: " << message << endl; XMLString::release( &message ); } } /** * This function: * - Tests the access and availability of the XML configuration file. * - Configures the xerces-c DOM parser. * - Reads and extracts the pertinent information from the XML config file. * * @param in configFile The text string name of the HLA configuration file. */ void GetConfig::readConfigFile(string& configFile) throw( std::runtime_error ) { // Test to see if the file is ok. struct stat fileStatus; int iretStat = stat(configFile.c_str(), &fileStatus); if( iretStat == ENOENT ) throw ( std::runtime_error("Path file_name does not exist, or path is an empty string.") ); else if( iretStat == ENOTDIR ) throw ( std::runtime_error("A component of the path is not a directory.")); else if( iretStat == ELOOP ) throw ( std::runtime_error("Too many symbolic links encountered while traversing the path.")); else if( iretStat == EACCES ) throw ( std::runtime_error("Permission denied.")); else if( iretStat == ENAMETOOLONG ) throw ( std::runtime_error("File can not be read\n")); // Configure DOM parser. m_ConfigFileParser->setValidationScheme( XercesDOMParser::Val_Never ); m_ConfigFileParser->setDoNamespaces( false ); m_ConfigFileParser->setDoSchema( false ); m_ConfigFileParser->setLoadExternalDTD( false ); try { m_ConfigFileParser->parse( configFile.c_str() ); // no need to free this pointer - owned by the parent parser object DOMDocument* xmlDoc = m_ConfigFileParser->getDocument(); // Get the top-level element: NAme is "root". No attributes for "root" DOMElement* elementRoot = xmlDoc->getDocumentElement(); if( !elementRoot ) throw(std::runtime_error( "empty XML document" )); // Parse XML file for tags of interest: "ApplicationSettings" // Look one level nested within "root". (child of root) DOMNodeList* children = elementRoot->getChildNodes(); const XMLSize_t nodeCount = children->getLength(); // For all nodes, children of "root" in the XML tree. for( XMLSize_t xx = 0; xx < nodeCount; ++xx ) { DOMNode* currentNode = children->item(xx); if( currentNode->getNodeType() && // true is not NULL currentNode->getNodeType() == DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE ) // is element { // Found node which is an Element. Re-cast node as element DOMElement* currentElement = dynamic_cast< xercesc::DOMElement* >( currentNode ); if( XMLString::equals(currentElement->getTagName(), TAG_ApplicationSettings)) { // Already tested node as type element and of name "ApplicationSettings". // Read attributes of element "ApplicationSettings". const XMLCh* xmlch_OptionA = currentElement->getAttribute(ATTR_OptionA); m_OptionA = XMLString::transcode(xmlch_OptionA); const XMLCh* xmlch_OptionB = currentElement->getAttribute(ATTR_OptionB); m_OptionB = XMLString::transcode(xmlch_OptionB); break; // Data found. No need to look at other elements in tree. } } } } catch( xercesc::XMLException& e ) { char* message = xercesc::XMLString::transcode( e.getMessage() ); ostringstream errBuf; errBuf << "Error parsing file: " << message << flush; XMLString::release( &message ); } } #ifdef MAIN_TEST /* This main is provided for unit test of the class. */ int main() { string configFile="sample.xml"; // stat file. Get ambigious segfault otherwise. GetConfig appConfig; appConfig.readConfigFile(configFile); cout << "Application option A=" << appConfig.getOptionA() << endl; cout << "Application option B=" << appConfig.getOptionB() << endl; return 0; } #endif