[출처 : http://blog.naver.com/aroma_guy/20007099940]

Compressed/Decompressed Files Software


사용자로부터 주어진 텍스트 파일을 압축하고 반대로 압축된 파일은 압축을 푸는 프로그램으로 호프만 알고리즘(Huffman Code Algorithm)을 이용하여 호프만 테이블을 작성한다.

작성된 호프만 테이블로 입력된 텍스트 파일을 하나의 버퍼에 저장 후 파일에 출력 파일에 출력할 때 호프만 코드를 같이 출력한다.

파일 압축을 풀 때 하나의 버퍼에 파일의 내용을 저장 후 현재 프로그램의 버전과의 일치 여부와 코드 파일의 내용을 비교하면서 압축을 푼다.

참고로, 파일 압축시 50~75%정도 나온다.



특수문자, Multi Byte Code, 대용량 파일 처리를 하지 않았으니 참고하세요.


// 사용 방법


압축 할때

실행파일명 -e[E] text.txt output.txt


압축 풀때

실행파일명 -d[D] output.txt text.txt


/////////////////// 소스 코드 ////////////////////////////////



Version 1.0, October 2002.

Copyright(C) aroma_guy 



Everyone is permitted to copy, modify or distribute this codes.



#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <string.h>


#define VERSION                       1.0

#define MAX_SIZE                      256

#define CHARBITS                      8

#define MAX_CODE_LENGTH               16

#define MAX_CODE_NUMBER               256

#define MAX_STRING_LENGTH             1024*100       // maximum size of compressed file is 100 kbyte

#define MAX_BIT_MASK_NUMBER           8

#define RIGHTBITS(n, x) ((x) & ((1U << (n)) - 1U))


typedef struct code_tag


        int                    ascii;

        char                   code[MAX_CODE_LENGTH];

        int                    lengthOfCode;

        unsigned               frequency;



int HuffmanCodeTable(CODE codeTable[]);

void SetCode(CODE codeTable[], int cnt);

int EncryptString(char original_string[],

          int length_Of_Original_string,

          CODE codeTable[], int cnt_of_Codes,

          char encoded_String[]);

void WriteBitString(char encoded_String[],

          int cnt_Of_EncodedBits);

int DecryptBitString(char encoded_String[],

          int cnt_Of_EncodeBit,

          CODE codeTable[], int cnt_Of_Codes,

          char decoded_String[]);

int SearchAlphabet(char key, CODE codeTable[],

          int cnt_Of_Codes);

void AttachCode(char encoded_String[], int cnt_Of_Bits,

          char code[], int lengthOfCode);

int SearchCode(char key[], CODE codeTable[], int cnt_Of_Codes);

void WriteInFile(char encoded_String[],int cnt_Of_EncodedBits,

          CODE codeTable[], int cnt_of_codes);

void PrnFreq(CODE codeTable[], int cnt_of_codes);

void Error(char *msg);

void DownHeap(int i);

void GetTableSizeAndCodeBits(int *size_of_table,

                             int  *cnt_Of_EncodeBit);

int GetVersion();

void GetCodeTable(CODE codeTable[], int cnt_of_codes);

void GetCode(char encoded_string[]);

void PrnCodeTable(CODE codeTable[], int cnt_of_codes);

void WriteDecodedBit(char decoded_String[]);




int heap_size, heap[2*MAX_SIZE-1], parent[2*MAX_SIZE-1], left[2*MAX_SIZE-1], right[2*MAX_SIZE-1];

unsigned long int frequency[2*MAX_SIZE-1];

FILE *ifp, *ofp;


int main(int argc, char *argv[])


        int i, j = 0;

        char Original_String[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];

        char encoded_String[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];

        char decoded_String[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];

              int lengthOfDecodedString;

        int cnt_Of_EncodedBits = 0;

        CODE codeTable[MAX_CODE_NUMBER];

        int cnt_Of_Codes = 0;

        char option;


        if(argc != 4 || ((option = *argv[1]) != 'e'

                       && option != 'E'

                       && option != 'd' && option != 'D'))


               printf("Usage : %s [e or E|d or D] input_file

                   output_file\n", argv[0]);




        ifp = fopen(argv[2], "rb");

        if(ifp == NULL)


               printf("Cannot open file : %s", argv[2]);




        ofp = fopen(argv[3], "wb");

        if(ofp == NULL)


               printf("Cannot open file : %s", argv[3]);




        for(i=0; i < 8; i++)


               bitMask_OR[i] = 1 << (7-i);

               bitMask_AND[i] = bitMask_OR[i] ^ 0xff;



        if(option == 'e' || option == 'E')


               while((i = getc(ifp)) != EOF)


                       Original_String[j++] = i;

                       if(j >= MAX_STRING_LENGTH)

                              Error("Error : larger than





               cnt_Of_Codes = HuffmanCodeTable(codeTable);

               cnt_Of_EncodedBits = EncryptString(

                     Original_String, strlen(Original_String),

                     codeTable, cnt_Of_Codes, encoded_String);

               WriteInFile(encoded_String, cnt_Of_EncodedBits,

                     codeTable, cnt_Of_Codes);






                       Error("Error : The file isn't equivalent

                           the current program version!\n");




               GetCodeTable(codeTable, cnt_Of_Codes);


               lengthOfDecodedString = DecryptBitString(

                      encoded_String, cnt_Of_EncodedBits,

                      codeTable, cnt_Of_Codes, decoded_String);





        return 0;



int GetVersion()


        int i, j = 0;

        char buffer[10];


        while((i = getc(ifp)) != EOF && j < 3)


               buffer[j++] = i;

               if(j >= MAX_STRING_LENGTH)

                    Error("Error : larger than 100kbyte!\n");



        if(atof(buffer) == VERSION)

               return 0;


               return -1;




 * 호프만 테이블 사이즈와 비트의 수 얻기



void GetTableSizeAndCodeBits(int *size_of_table, int *cnt_Of_EncodeBit)


        int ch, i = 0;

        char buffer[10];


        while((ch = getc(ifp)) != EOF && ch != 0x2F)

               buffer[i++] = ch;

        buffer[i] = '\0';

        *size_of_table = atoi(buffer);

        i = 0;

        while((ch = getc(ifp)) != EOF && ch != 0x20)

               buffer[i++] = ch;

        *cnt_Of_EncodeBit = atoi(buffer);





 * 호프만 코드 테이블을 메모리에 저장



void GetCodeTable(CODE codeTable[], int cnt_of_codes)


        int i = 0, j = 0, tmp, is_block = 0;


        while((tmp = getc(ifp)) != EOF || i < cnt_of_codes)


               if(!is_block && tmp != '0' && tmp != '1')


                       codeTable[i].ascii = tmp;


               else if(tmp == '0' || tmp == '1')


                       is_block = 1;

                       codeTable[i].code[j++] = tmp;



               else if(is_block && tmp != '0' && tmp != '1')


                       codeTable[i].code[j] = '\0';

                       is_block = 0, j = 0;

                       if(cnt_of_codes == ++i)


                       codeTable[i].ascii = tmp;



        PrnCodeTable(codeTable, cnt_of_codes);




 * 호프만 코드로 작성된 내용을 버퍼에 저장



void GetCode(char encoded_string[])


        int ch, i = 0;


        while((ch = getc(ifp)) != EOF)


               encoded_string[i++] = ch;

               if(i >= MAX_STRING_LENGTH)

                      Error("Error : larger than 100kbyte!\n");


        encoded_string[i] = '\0';




void Error(char *msg)


        printf("%s", msg);




void PrnFreq(CODE codeTable[], int cnt_of_codes)


        int i, k = 0, size = 0;


        printf("텍스트 분석 중...\n");




        for(i = 0; i <= cnt_of_codes; i++)


               if((codeTable[i].ascii >= 65 &&

                  codeTable[i].ascii <= 90) ||

                  (codeTable[i].ascii >= 97 &&

                  codeTable[i].ascii <= 122))


                       printf("%c\t\t%d\n", codeTable[i].ascii,


                       size += codeTable[i].frequency;




        printf("텍스트의 크기 : %d byte\n", size);





 * 버퍼에 저장된 호프만 코드를 사용 빈도수에 맞게 버퍼에 저장



void DownHeap(int i)


        int j, k;

        k = heap[i];


        while ((j = 2 * i) <= heap_size)


               if (j < heap_size && frequency[heap[j]] >

                  frequency[heap[j + 1]])


               if (frequency[k] <= frequency[heap[j]])


               heap[i] = heap[j];

               i = j;


        heap[i] = k;




 * 호프만 알고리즘을 이용한 코드 테이블 작성



int HuffmanCodeTable(CODE codeTable[])


        int i, j, k, avail, cnt_of_codes;

        unsigned long int incount;


        for(i = 0; i < MAX_SIZE; i++)

               frequency[i] = 0;


              while ((i = getc(ifp)) != EOF)



        heap[i] = 0;

        heap_size = 0;


        for(i = 0; i < MAX_SIZE; i++)


               if(frequency[i] != 0)

                       heap[++heap_size] = i;



        for(i = 1; i <= heap_size; i++)


               codeTable[i-1].ascii = heap[i];

               codeTable[i-1].frequency = frequency[heap[i]];



        cnt_of_codes = heap_size;

        PrnFreq(codeTable, cnt_of_codes);


        for(i = heap_size / 2; i >= 1; i--)


        for(i = 0; i < 2 * MAX_SIZE - 1; i++)

               parent[i] = 0;

        k = heap[1];

        avail = MAX_SIZE;

        while (heap_size > 1)


               i = heap[1];

               heap[1] = heap[heap_size--];


               j = heap[1];

               k = avail++;

               frequency[k] = frequency[i] + frequency[j];

               heap[1] = k;


               parent[i] = k;

               parent[j] = -k;

               left[k] = i;

                right[k] = j;



        incount = 0;


        SetCode(codeTable, cnt_of_codes);

        return cnt_of_codes;




 * 아스키 코드에 대한 코드 작성



void SetCode(CODE codeTable[], int cnt_of_codes)


        int i, j, k, val = 0;

        char temp[MAX_SIZE];


        for(i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; i < cnt_of_codes; i++, j = 0,

            k = 0)


               val = codeTable[i].ascii;

               while ((val = parent[val]) != 0)


                       if (val > 0)

                              temp[j++] = '0';



                              temp[j++] = '1';

                              val = -val;




               while(--j >= 0)


                       codeTable[i].code[k] = temp[j];



               codeTable[i].code[k] = '\0';

               codeTable[i].lengthOfCode = strlen(



        PrnCodeTable(codeTable, cnt_of_codes);



void PrnCodeTable(CODE codeTable[], int cnt_of_codes)


        int i;

        printf("Huffman code 생성 중...\n");




        for(i = 0; i < cnt_of_codes; i++)

        if((codeTable[i].ascii >= 65 && codeTable[i].ascii <=

           90) || (codeTable[i].ascii >= 97 &&

           codeTable[i].ascii <= 122))

               printf("%c\t\t%s\n", codeTable[i].ascii,






 * 호프만 코드로 문자열 압축



int EncryptString(char original_String[],

                  int length_Of_Original_String,

                  CODE codeTable[],

                  int cnt_Of_Codes,

                  char encoded_String[])


        int i, pos, cnt_Of_Bits = 0;

        for(i = 0; i < length_Of_Original_String; i++)


               pos = SearchAlphabet(original_String[i],

                                    codeTable, cnt_Of_Codes);

               if(pos >= 0)


                       AttachCode(encoded_String, cnt_Of_Bits,



                       cnt_Of_Bits +=





                       printf("%c does not exist in code

                               table!!\n", original_String[i]);

                       return -1;



        return cnt_Of_Bits;




void WriteBitString(char encoded_String[],

                    int cnt_Of_EncodedBits)


        int i, pos = 0;

        char a;

        for(i=0; i < cnt_Of_EncodedBits; i++)




                       putchar(' ');

                       a = encoded_String[pos++];


               putchar(((a & bitMask_OR[0]) == 0) ? '0' : '1');

               a <<= 1;






void WriteDecodedBit(char decoded_String[])


        int i, j, length, val, tmp = 0, diff;

        double progress = 0.0;


        printf("압축 푸는 중 ...\n");

        length = (int)strlen(decoded_String);

        for(i =0; i < length; i++)


               progress = (double)(i+1) / (double)length *


               if((int)progress%10 == 0 && (int)progress != 0

                       && (int)progress != 100)


                       if((val = (int)progress) != tmp)


                              if((diff = (val - tmp) / 10) > 1)

                                      for(j = 1; j < diff; j++)

                                        printf("%d %% 압축

                                          품\n", tmp + j * 10);

                              printf("%d %% 압축 품\n", val);

                              tmp = val;



              else if((int)progress/10 && (int)progress%10 > 5)


                       if((val = ((int)progress/10)*10) != tmp)


                              if((diff = (val - tmp) / 10) > 1)

                                      for(j = 1; j < diff; j++)

                                        printf("%d %% 압축 품

                                            \n", tmp + j * 10);

                              printf("%d %% 압축 품\n", val);

                              tmp = val;



               else if((val = ((int)progress/10)*10) != tmp &&

                        (int)progress != 100)


                       if((diff = (val - tmp) / 10) > 1)


                              for(j = 1; j < diff; j++)

                                      printf("%d %% 압축 품\n",

                                          tmp + j * 10);


                       printf("%d %% 압축 품\n", val);

                       tmp = val;


               putc(decoded_String[i], ofp);





void WriteInFile(char encoded_String[],

                 int cnt_Of_EncodedBits,

                 CODE codeTable[],

                 int cnt_of_codes)


        int i, j, ch = 0, incount, outcount, pos = 0, val,

            tmp = 0, diff;

        double version = VERSION, progress = 0.0;

        char *p, buffer[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];

        printf("압축 중 ...\n");

        fseek(ifp, 0L, SEEK_END);

        incount = ftell(ifp);


        // write a version

        sprintf(buffer, "%.1f ", version);

        for(i =0; i < (int)strlen(buffer); i++)

               putc(buffer[i], ofp);


        // write a size of the code tables

        sprintf(buffer, "%d", cnt_of_codes);

        for(i =0; i < (int)strlen(buffer); i++)

               putc(buffer[i], ofp);

        sprintf(buffer, "/%d ", cnt_Of_EncodedBits);

        for(i =0; i < (int)strlen(buffer); i++)

               putc(buffer[i], ofp);


        // write contents of the code tables

        for(i = 0; i < cnt_of_codes; i++)


               putc(codeTable[i].ascii, ofp);

               for(j = 0; j < codeTable[i].lengthOfCode; j++)

                       putc(codeTable[i].code[j], ofp);


        putc(' ', ofp);


        // write contents of compressed file

        p = encoded_String;

        for(i=0; (i < cnt_Of_EncodedBits) && (ch != EOF) &&

            (*p != '\0'); i++)


               progress = (double)i /

                          (double)cnt_Of_EncodedBits * 100.0;

               if((int)progress%10 == 0 && (int)progress != 0

                   && (int)progress != 100)


                       if((val = (int)progress) != tmp)


                              if((diff = (val - tmp) / 10) > 1)


                                      for(j = 1; j < diff; j++)

                                        printf("%d %% 압축\n",

                                                 tmp + j * 10);


                              printf("%d %% 압축\n", val);

                              tmp = val;



              else if((int)progress/10 && (int)progress%10 > 5)


                       if((val = ((int)progress/10)*10) != tmp)


                              if((diff = (val - tmp) / 10) > 1)


                                      for(j = 1; j < diff; j++)

                                       printf("%d %% 압축\n",

                                                 tmp + j * 10);


                              printf("%d %% 압축\n", val);

                              tmp = val;



               else if((val = ((int)progress/10)*10) != tmp &&

                       (int)progress != 100)


                       if((diff = (val - tmp) / 10) > 1)


                              for(j = 1; j < diff; j++)

                                printf("%d %% 압축\n",

                                       tmp + j * 10);


                       printf("%d %% 압축\n", val);

                       tmp = val;



                       ch = putc( p[pos++], ofp );


        printf("압축 완료.\n");

        outcount = ftell(ofp);


        printf("텍스트 파일 크기 : %u bytes\n", incount);

        printf("압축된 파일 크기 : %u bytes\n", outcount);

        printf("압축 비율 : %.3f(%u/%u - 1)\n",

               ((double)incount / (double)outcount - 1.0)

               , incount, outcount);




 * 호프만 코드로 문자열 압축 풀기



int DecryptBitString(char encoded_String[],

                     int cnt_Of_EncodeBit,

                     CODE codeTable[],

                     int cnt_Of_Codes,

                     char decoded_String[])


        int i, index, pos=0, length_Of_DecodedString=0;

        char code[MAX_CODE_LENGTH] = {'\0'};

        char a;

        for (i = 0; i < cnt_Of_EncodeBit; i++)


               if(i%8 ==0)



               if(a & bitMask_OR[0])

                       strcat(code, "1");


                       strcat(code, "0");

               a <<= 1;

               index=SearchCode(code, codeTable, cnt_Of_Codes);

               if(index != -1)



                           = codeTable[index].ascii;


                       code[0] = '\0';



        decoded_String[length_Of_DecodedString] = '\0';

        return length_Of_DecodedString;




 * 호프만 테이블 내의 주어진 알파벳 문자의 인덱스 찾기



int SearchAlphabet(char key, CODE codeTable[], int cnt_Of_Codes)


        int i, index = -1;

        for (i = 0; i <cnt_Of_Codes; i++)


               if(codeTable[i].ascii == key)






        return index;




 * 호프만 테이블 내의 주어진 코드의 인덱스 찾기



int SearchCode(char key[], CODE codeTable[], int cnt_Of_Codes)


        int i, index=-1;

        for (i = 0; i < cnt_Of_Codes; i++)


               if(strcmp(codeTable[i].code, key) == 0)






        return index;




 하나의 버퍼에 호프만 코드 저장



void AttachCode(char encoded_String[], int cnt_Of_Bits, char code[],

                              int lengthOfCode)


        int i, lengthOfEncodedString, lastBitPosition;


        lengthOfEncodedString = cnt_Of_Bits/8;

        lastBitPosition = cnt_Of_Bits%8;

        for (i = 0; i < lengthOfCode; i++)



                       encoded_String[lengthOfEncodedString] |=



                       encoded_String[lengthOfEncodedString] &=




               if(lastBitPosition == 8)


                       lastBitPosition = 0;

                       lengthOfEncodedString =

                                     lengthOfEncodedString + 1;




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